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Weight Status and Dietary Factors Associated with Sugar-Sweetened Beverage Intake among Korean Children and Adolescents
作者:      更新时间::2014-12-30 10:02:00    来源:http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=23908980



        2008-2011年韩国营养与健康调查显示,韩国儿童(7-12岁)和青少年(13-18岁)平均每天的含糖饮料(SSB)摄入量为98.7 ml/天(7-12岁为64.7 ml/天,13-18岁为120.2 ml/d)。有12%的儿童青少年每天至少喝300毫升含糖饮料。高能量摄入、牛奶摄入低(<1杯/天)以及蔬菜水果摄入不足(< 400 g/天)与SSB高水平摄入有关。另外,7-12岁男孩的超重和肥胖与SSB高水平摄入显著相关 (OR = 1.72)。


上一篇:Inconsistent associations between sweet drink intake and 2-year change in BMI among Victorian children and adolescents

下一篇: Is beverage intake related to overweight and obesity in school children?

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